Nice surmising sir!
In such brief overview it makes it seem even more obvious they needed a ray Franz shaped patsy..
as a former jehovah's witness, i now sit back and marvel how well i had been suckered into this religion.
and to think that their own worst critic was their own publications.. in 1968 some 43 years had lapsed since their last firm prediction on when armageddon would occur.
they had predicted 1925 would see an end to the worlds suffering and a new world for the true believers, i.e.
Nice surmising sir!
In such brief overview it makes it seem even more obvious they needed a ray Franz shaped patsy..
before i start, i'm not a wt apologist and i am certainly not trying to minimise sex abuse.
i was looking at the amount of sex abuse cases in light of witness population.
just say wt ended up on paying out on 30,000 individual abuse cases.
I hate to weigh in on subjects that I don't know enough about, BUT, I can only offer my own experience..
I know of a case where something like this came to light, as per instructions the elders rang the branch, who promptly told them to immediately ring the police. When the guy came out of prison we as a body were given strict guidelines to keep an eye on him, never letting him go to to he KH toilet alone incase a kid went in after, never assigning him to work with youngsters on the ministry, all kinds of safeguards...
I understand that not everyone had the same experience, but that's mine. I'd be interested to know how many times the branch do tell the elders to go straight to the police, and if this is normal, compared to cover ups.
I DO think that going overboard and accusing the society of being paedophile harbourers doesn't necessarily help bring awareness to the problems, it'll just be ignored as rhetoric, as opposed to pointing out very specific policy/legal/individual cases....
hello everyone on jwn, allow me to introduce some of the qualifed agenices who legally use our services provided by the food bank.
as a fading jw i am trying to find ways to fill up the time i wasted in field circus and try to make this world a better place.
the food bank is used by our judicial system, we get lots of low-level criminals doing community service, every other day i hear "what did you do?
Marking the HECK out of this thread... I'vee had some conversations with the elders about this, usually quoting one or two of the scriptures above, only to be told that they are referring to OUR brothers, PARTICULARLY to those related to us IN THE FAITH etcetera... But even if that were true (which the rest of the scriptures above show not to be the case) it goes against Jesus words when he talked about not doing good ONLY to those loving us (or something), and besides that it's just CLEARLY the right thing to do, see a need, try to fill it.
Tight fisted is right....
i just wanted to get a feel for how many here have awakened to ttatt but are still carrying on some jw activities to pacify them and keep the peace.
also trying to hear from those who have left, but whose spouse has stayed in the wt and in the marriage.. for me it comes down to my own mental anguish.
i am mentally tortured by attending the meetings, yet i feel compelled to because my wife would kill me with her personality if i had her drag 2 small girls by herself there.
I'm with y'all..
Still in. In body only. For the missus and a parent. When the parent passes, I reckon I'm out.
The missus knows I have doubts, the elders know too (long story ) and I'm not ALLOWED to talk to her about them, as that would be looked on as trying to take her faith away. Ridiculous. The thing is, she doesn't seem to WANT to talk about anything spiritual at all. As soon as she does though.......
I'm viewing meetings as "supporting the missus in her hobby" as if it were a knitting club she was nervous of going to by herself. I think she's getting that message too!
I feel spineless at times, butI think the long game is worth it for me.
well, now they want a follow up visit!
when you tell the elders that you have doubts and they say " its okay, we have had our doubts.
having doubts is not apostasy.
Me too guys, bu2b stuckinarut data dog, can we start a club?
forgive me for indulging in a goodbye but it would feel wrong not to,.
i hope the discussions and atmosphere here do not change for it is a bubbling brew of doubt, bravery and sincere hunger for answers.
these are healthy ingrediants for humans and especially for a jehovah's witness.. this forum offers not just the ability to ask without consequence, but it also offers the means to be real.
Mmnoooo MATRON!
Three things.
sad to see you leave
absolutely overjoyed at your good news
grateful for your posts and personal assistance.
Best oluck mate..
i know the society is against higher education and the pursuit of careers but in my experience the elders in the various congregations i attended had good careers.
in fact most had their own businesses.
thinking back of the boe when i was a teenager this is what they had as a career: two were respected carpenters who owned a construction business, one a high school teacher(he was the po), one sold insurance and was a lawyer, one owned a landscaping business and also hired sisters to clean office buildings and other accounts he had, one was retired, and the last was a janitor for the school board.
While all the above comments might well be true wherever YOU guys are, here in the UK it's not a nominal or symbolic thing at all. I'm one, 4 of the elders in my cong are, and in my city I would estimate between a quarter and a third of the elders are too.
It's a real thing here, decent money to be made for little startup investment, with flexible hours. Great for coffee shops, I mean ministry...
i heard that on sat the jws released a new book at the convention god's kingdom rules.
is it a verse by verse of ezekiel or daniel?
does it mention the "overlapping generation"?
Ah, but I speak as an insider!
So what would happen if I was to say, "I just don't understand why we say the bible students didn't know what was going to happen when THIS old wt shows they were very specific about what they thought was going to occur " incontrovertible right?
Actually, I just released the inner jw from his apostabox into my mind for a second, and he came up with the argument that" yes, they THOUGHT they knew what was going to happen, but they had it wrong, as we can see in retrospect "
There's no winning..
i heard that on sat the jws released a new book at the convention god's kingdom rules.
is it a verse by verse of ezekiel or daniel?
does it mention the "overlapping generation"?
What dya reckon would happen if one were to call out the society on the above points, using the society's own literature to prove it?
If it's incontrovertible, what could they say? How could they deny it?
there is an excellent new article at jehovah's trumpet.... friends, the following article is not about masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, or homosexuality so it may not be appropriate for children.
please use godly wisdom when deciding if your child is mature enough to consider this material.
we are going to have a frank discussion about the theory of evolution.... .
Richard Dawkins.... admits in his book, The Greatest Show On Earth: The Evidence For Evolution that “Genesis … must be said … to be … fact” (pages 29,30,59,82)
And the comment from Louis somebody or other after the article... HahaaAa!